Misfit Heart
  • Interviews,  Official Release,  Singles

    Sam J. Lance – The Man Behind Better Off Video, Brave Liaison 11.07.2023

    As I wrote the article about Brave Liaison’s track Better Off, I was left with many questions for the Director Sam J. Lance. He very kindly obliged and answered a few of them, I was floored šŸ™ƒ. Thank you so much Sam for taking the time and providing such detailed answers šŸ„°. [Sam] Hey Claire! Thank you for getting in touch! Iā€™m more than happy to answer some questions, thank you for taking such an interest in the band and the video, it really means a lot to all of us! I do ramble a little bit, so feel free to trim down any of my answers haha!šŸ˜ Doctor Who…